In the year 1992, a group of highly dedicated and enthusiastic individuals came together to address the issue of special needs and disabilities in Oman, and decided to introduce a recreation center for the differently-abled children, for the first time in Muscat.

In the initial days, children were few and classes were held twice a week in the evening. As months changed to years, we decided to broaden our horizon and offer the children better facilities and greater opportunities for realizing their value in the community.

With the same passionate heart, we brought in a multi-disciplinary team of special educators, rehabilitation professionals, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapist, counsellor, vocational trainer and administrative staff, to transform our noble initiative into a proper establishment imparting a range of specialized education and training.

Today, we feel happy and proud to be the early leaders to spread awareness, and we celebrate our achievements and success as an institution and as individuals. Through our inclusive approach, awareness campaigns and workshops, we have been able to generate:

  • More healthy and heartfelt smiles
  • Greater dignity
  • Larger scope of participation and acceptance in society

We believe that it is time to join hands and make this world inclusive for our special children.